Friday, June 20, 2008

Electricity by 2E2 Amruth

What is electricity?
*Electricity is a form of energy and it is convenient as it can be changed into other forms of energy.

What are the effects of electricity on our daily lives?
*We are able to; play games on our computer, travel in cars and other transportations, Watch television, use handphones, etc.

What is the electric current?
*It is the flow of electricity.

What is the electrical circuit?
*It is the path where current moves.

What is the meaning of closed circuit and open circuits?
Closed circuit

*It is a complete path of electricity from one end to the other.
Open circuit

*It is an incomplete path of electricity from one end.
Why are switches used in our daily life?
It is safer way to conduct electricity and to open and close circuits.

What is voltage?
*Voltage is the energy per unit charge.

What is the SI unit for voltage?
*The SI unit for voltage is volt ( V ).

Some interesting stuff…….
*In the times when humans first appeared on Earth, the created electricity by rubbing two materials together.
*The first machine to make an electrical spark was created at 1650; it worked by rubbing a hand on a spinning sulphur ball…. Electricity through friction?

Book: Explore your world with SCIENCE DISCOVERY 2
Publisher: Pearson Longman
Author : Rex M Heyworth

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