Thursday, June 19, 2008

Reflection of Light by 2E3 Zay Nyein

I have learn the definition of reflection, the law of reflection , the characteristic of the image formed in mirror, the different types of reflection, the uses of plane mirror and the two different types of curved mirror.

Reflection is the bouncing of light off a mirror and travel to your eyes. The law of reflection: The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. The image formed in a plane mirror is virtual, upright, laterally inverted, same size as the object and as far behind the mirror as the object is in front of the mirror.

There are two different types of reflection (1) Regular reflection and (2) Diffuse reflection. When the parallel beam of light hits a smooth surface, it is reflected as a parallel beam and the image is formed is called Regular reflection. When a beam of light hits a rough surface, the individual rays are reflected in different directions and the image is not formed is called Diffuse reflection.

The three uses of plane mirror

(1) helps the driver to check the traffic behind

(2) makes a room look bigger and

(3) check the person appearance.

The two different types of curved mirror (1) Concave mirror and (2) Convex mirror.

Concave mirror form upright magnified images if the object is close to the mirror. If the object is further away, the image is inverted e.g. used by dentist to check the teeth.

Convex mirror form upright images that always smaller than the object e.g. security mirrors are used in shops.

Resources and the Science Discovery 2 (Text book)

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